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Rigging skills lab is hands on practice with equipment used in the rigging department with experts present to advise and instruct referents.Taught by IATSE Local 122 Journeyman and ETCP Certified Arena Rigger Joseph Burch , Rigging 20 is a skills lab designed to give individuals who would not normally get a chance to work with baskets and bridles to be able to practice the skills valuable to the rigging department. this includes knot tying skills, bridle building skills and general rigging knowledge so that the worker can pass the sign off for ground rigging and Training and can lead to the worker being invited to the Mike Vincent Arena Rigging Training.

Arrival instructions: Park on the South side of the arena near the security gate. Walk through the gate and down the truck ramp. Class will be held on the show floor.

    The learner must have worked a call from the referral hall, worked under a collective bargaining agreement, or be a current member of IATSE Local 122.
  • This is an in person class.
  • This class has limited attendance and all attendees must have a reservation; therefore, it will be treated like a job call.
  • If you are unable to attend, please cancel your ticket or email education@iatse122.org.Tardiness and/or No-Call-No-Show will be reported to the IATSE Local 122 Compliance Committee.

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