Organizing FAQs

There are many myths in the world regarding unions leaving people confused and/or unsure if they have merit. Most will make up their own minds based off of those myths. Most of the myths circulating are very common and below we have listed those questions in an effort to dispel those myths and get the facts straight.

QUESTION: If I choose the Union will I loose my job?

A: No. shutting down operations to avoid a union is against the law. Plus, it doesn’t make sense, as it would lead to financial losses. It’s also illegal to punish workers for supporting a union. Employers don’t make these threats directly because they know it’s unlawful to do so. IATSE Local 122 will defend the rights of any worker who is punished for union activity.

QUESTION: Will my Employer know I signed a card?

ANSWER: No. Your decision is confidential between the Union and the National Labor Relations Board unless you choose to tell the Employer of your decision.

QUESTION: Are there any fees for job referrals with the Union?

ANSWER: Yes. Everyone pays a referral hall fee. Your referral hall fee pays for contract negotiations, educational programs, legal fees, job dispatch and day to day business expenses. IATSE Local 122 now offers “Dues Deduction” with most bigger employers which handles that directly.

QUESTION: Will current members take my job if we go union?

ANSWER: No. There is a venue based job referral list for each organized venue.

QUESTION: How does a venue based referral list keep a current member from taking my job?

ANSWER: The referral list is based on how much a person has worked at each venue not on union membership. Your job stays your job.

QUESTION: How would being Union get me paid on time?

ANSWER: All IATSE Local 122 contracts have a payroll time period built into them. This is typically 2 weeks.

QUESTION: Will I still get 1099s and have to deal with paying the taxes? What about workers comp?

ANSWER: This is also covered by the contracts. Every employer must take payroll deductions and carry workers comp on every job. All job related injuries will be covered by the employer – as is required by law. Employers are required to pay into state and federal unemployment and disability insurance. This will entitle you to the state benefits that related to these payments, including Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Family Medical Leave. Also, employers are required to pay taxes on your behalf, helping you keep your annual tax payments at a minimum.

QUESTION: Who will run my Union if we organize?

ANSWER: You and your fellow workers run the Union. Since you elect your own Local officers, you run your own Local Union affairs, you make the decisions on your Union contract, you elect your International Union officers and you decide by vote the policies of your Local Union.

QUESTION: Will the workers have help with grievances?

ANSWER: YES. Besides the support that IATSE Local 122 has available, IATSE (International) typically has experienced service officers available who will help Local 122 with grievance issues. Not only are you part of a large group of employees within the region, but your voice is represented on a nationwide basis.

QUESTION: Is an employer with a Union more likely to go out of business than an employer without a Union?

ANSWER: NO — Unionized companies are more profitable and get better results because of a Union.

QUESTION: What are the advantages of being in a Union?

ANSWER: There are many advantages. Here are just a few — Union members enjoy much higher wages than non-unionized employees, Union members have excellent healthcare benefits (most of which are fully paid by the employer), and Union members have excellent retirement plans.

QUESTION: Sounds interesting. How can I get more information without jeopardizing my current job?

ANSWER: All calls concerning organizing are kept in the strictest confidence. We would do nothing to jeopardize your current job.

For more information contact IATSE Local 122