Referral Hall Rules, Procedures and Requirements

Referral Hall Rules, Procedures and Requirements

The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (I.A.T.S.E.) Local 122 operates a Referral Hall through which we refer qualified persons to available jobs represented by collective bargaining agreements between Local 122 and employers in the San Diego and Palm Desert areas that fall within Local 122’s jurisdiction. Local 122 is proud to be able to refer the most qualified, skilled, and most reliable stagehands, riggers, wardrobe personnel, hair & make-up artisans, audio/visual, sound and lighting technicians in Southern California.

The purpose of these rules and procedures are to protect and cover the jurisdiction of Local 122 as well as protect the credibility of referrals with the Employers who use Local 122’s Referral Hall to obtain qualified stage and motion picture technicians. Local 122 encourages all persons obtaining work through its Referral Hall to seek to join the Union. A strong and unified Union helps secure better wages and terms and conditions of employment for all.

You must complete the Local 122 new applicant packet. Local 122’s acceptance of this packet is not a guarantee of work. You shall be required to submit proof of any claimed special skills, abilities or experience. This includes but not limited to: attending classes, passing a skills related exam or providing other documentation. You must have a current phone number and home address on file with Local 122 to be dispatched. You are responsible for providing the most up to date information.

Local 122 shall initiate the first telephone contact with you; you shall not initiate the first call for referral. Once the Call Stewards have initiated your first referral, you may request future referrals provided you adhere to these rules and procedures. You will be placed on a probation period for one (1) year after your first dispatch. Any violation, minor, moderate or major, during the probation period may result in permanent removal from the dispatch system.

Referral Fee & Paychecks

All referents will be required to pay a 5% referral fee. This fee is intended to cover the necessary administrative costs of operating the Referral Hall and negotiating the collective bargaining agreements. This fee may be paid through automatic payroll deduction by completing the appropriate authorization forms. If you choose not to complete the authorization forms, you must make alternative arrangements to pay Local 122 no later than fifteen (15) days from when the check is issued. Local 122 will accept payment in the form of cash, check, money order or through PayPal.

Individual employers maintain various paycheck distribution schedules. See the attached list of expected employer distribution. If there are any questions as to the expected date of payment, please refer all queries to the Front Desk at the Local 122 offices.

Work Availability Procedures

When you have completed the new applicant packet and are available for work, you must provide your work availability through the form on the Local 122 website. The Call Stewards will contact you with any available shifts. You must continue to keep the online form updated as your availability changes.

Call Placement

Local 122 refers persons to employers in accordance with its established dispatch procedure and the terms of its collective bargaining agreement with the employer. In referring persons to available jobs, Local 122’s Call Stewards take into consideration what they know about (a) the employer’s needs or requests, (b) the person’s skills and abilities, (c) the person’s job performance and reliability, including the person’s adherence to these Referral Rules, (d) the person’s availability, and (e) tenure. Tenure for purposes of making job referrals shall be determined as the first day a referent is dispatched from Local 122’s Referral Hall. Local 122 refers qualified persons without regard to their race, religion, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, or membership/non-membership in the Union. Local 122 will always give preference to persons who live within its geographical jurisdiction (San Diego County, Palm Springs, Hemet, Banning, Temecula, Palm Desert, Lake Elsinore, and Twenty-nine Palms).

You will be contacted by the Call Steward with an available position you are qualified for. You will have two (2) hours from the time of contact, to accept or decline the position. If the call time is within forty-eight (48) hours, this two (2) hour time allowance may not apply. You are responsible for obtaining and keeping a record of the following information from the Call Stewards when accepting a call: position, date, time, location, employer, steward and dress code. If possible, the Call Stewards will send an E-mail confirmation; however, lack of this E-mail is not grounds to appeal a No Call-No Show.

Removal from Dispatch

A referent that performs no work through this referral system for one year or more, may be removed from the active list until a written notice stating your desire to return, unless the absence is as a result of: work performed on behalf of Local 122, disability, or services performed in the armed forces of the United States. If you are absent for 2 or more years, your name will be removed from the dispatch system and your position on the tenure list will be expunged.

If you wish to voluntarily remove your name from the dispatch system you must do so in writing. If you later wish to return to the dispatch system, you are required to notify Local 122 in writing. You may again be placed on the referral list but shall be considered as a new applicant. However, if you have been employed for more than five years through Local 122’s referral system and have had contributions made on your behalf to the I.A.T.S.E. National Benefit fund, you may retain your original start date. In all cases, a person seeking reinstatement to the referral system after being removed for inactivity shall be required to apply in person and complete the new applicant’s packet at Local 122’s offices.

Pop-Up Call List

On occasion, employers will have same day requests for a qualified technician. During such occasions, referents on the “Pop-Up Call” list shall be called first. To qualify, you must be “on call” and have reliable transportation that allows you to report to a Pop-Up call within 30-45 minutes of dispatch. Any “Pop Up” referent that declines more than three Pop-Up calls within a six-month period shall be removed from the Pop-Up Call list and must re-apply. If you would like to be on the Pop-Up list, please contact the Local 122 office and complete the Pop-Up List application.

Motion Picture Roster

Fulfillment for Motion Picture and Television referrals are executed by resumes only. You are responsible for maintaining an accurate resume for distribution. The roster will be provided by Local 122’s Referral Hall. Qualified and desired studio mechanics will be contacted directly by the employer.

Work Rules

These rules and requirements govern the operation of the referral hall and all persons seeking employment must agree to follow them. Failure to observe these rules adversely affects the operation of the Referral Hall and your placement on the referral list. Your failure to observe these rules undermines Local 122’s ability to represent you and your fellow workers in the performance of your jobs and in securing better collective bargaining agreements and working conditions.

These work rules are necessary to (a) ensure that referrals show up for assignments, many of which are large, one-time events that must be assembled quickly, (b) prevent No Call No Shows from adversely affecting referral opportunities for other referral hall participants, (c) assure that referrals have the proper dress, tools, and equipment for the call and conduct themselves in a professional manner, and (d) reimburse Local 122 for the administrative costs of finding replacements. Where Local 122 has organized a new facility, they may give preference to persons with tenure at that facility.

You shall be held accountable for your conduct at work under these Work Rules. You will be responsible for regularly verifying with Local 122 as to any future amendments or other changes to these work rules and procedures. Changes shall be clearly posted at Local 122’s offices at least fourteen (14) days before implementation. Additionally, you will be able to pick up a current copy by request and these shall be posted on Local 122’s website at www.iatse122.org.

On the Job Site

You are expected to report to the Job Steward on the job site at least 15-20 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. If you do not arrive within 15 minutes after the scheduled call time, you may be considered a No Call No Show and may be replaced. You must arrive to your work calls with the appropriate tools to perform assigned jobs. See the Required Tool List for the tools you are expected to provide. Failure to have required tools at report time may result in removal from the call with no compensation, and you shall be considered a No Call No Show. Your tools must be in working order. Have your tools prepped and be ready to work at the scheduled start time of the call.

You are responsible for providing proper identification (Government issued Driver’s License, photo identification card and Social Security Card or Passport) to all calls and must complete all necessary payroll forms on site before the end of the call. Failure to provide necessary documentation may result in removal from the call, with no compensation and you may be considered a No Call No Show.

You are required to remain at the job site until released by the Job Steward. Anyone who leaves a job site without approval shall be reported to the Referral Hall and treated as a No Call No Show. If you wish to replace yourself on a call, you must notify the Job Steward and stay until relieved by your replacement.

You must maintain a professional manner at all times. Do not eat food that is intended for use by the client unless instructed to do so by your Job Steward. Do not take merchandise from a client. Do not solicit work, food, gifts, or other rewards from a client or Employer under any circumstances.

Job Jumping

Job jumping is defined as accepting two or more overlapping referrals from Local 122’s Referral Hall, with the intent of leaving one call before its end, in order to work the other call. Job jumping shall not be permitted without the express permission of the affected employer(s) or Call Stewards. You must inform the Referral Hall of subsequent calls received by the Job Stewards.

Dress Code

Clothing may only have logos for the employer you are working for on that call. Clothing must not have holes or tears or pose any safety problems. Pants must permit climbing ladders. Shorts, if permitted by employer and the Job Steward, must be knee length. Shoes must cover the foot and toes, have an appropriate hard sole and suitable for climbing and working for long periods. No shirts, hats, or other apparel containing lewd, offensive language, or messages are permitted. Some employers may require you to cover tattoos, remove piercings and keep facial hair trimmed and neat. You must verify dress code requirements with the Call Steward at the time you accept the referral. Some attire may include but not limited to:

A.V. Blacks: Black collared shirt, black pants, black shoes.

Work Clothes Casual: Clean clothes, shirt, pants or shorts, appropriate work shoes.

Show/Dress Blacks: Black long sleeved, button down shirt, black pants (not jeans), black shoes (not canvas or cotton).

Coat & Tie: Matching coat, dress slacks, dress shirt, a tie and practical dress shoes. Skirts, kilts and heels are not permitted.

Personal Hygiene: Personal hygiene is essential for all workers. You must start the call with clean clothes and a clean body. It is not professional, courteous, or acceptable to start your call in any other condition.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE): All forms of certified Personal Protection (PPE) shall be worn properly by all individuals on the job site when necessary or directed by the employer, venue or Local 122. Examples of PPE include harnesses, hard hats, mask, etc.

If you fail to have the appropriate dress attire at report time, you may be subject to removal from the call without compensation and shall be considered a No Call No Show.

Job Stewards

The Job Steward on site shall be responsible for reporting any alleged infractions of these regulations to the Local 122 office, although anyone may do so. If you become disruptive or argumentative with the Job Steward or any other employer, client, or attendee, you may be required to appear before the Compliance Committee for disciplinary action. Failure by the Job Steward to report infractions can result in disciplinary action against the Job Steward. Injuries or safety concerns must be reported to the Job Steward immediately.

Job Stewards shall be appointed at the sole discretion of the Local 122 Business Representative, Business Agent or Call Steward. Job stewards must be and remain members in good standing of Local 122.

No Call No Show and Late Cancel

If you accept a referral from a Local 122 Call Steward and notify the Local 122 dispatch office that you are unable to report to work as scheduled you shall be considered as follows:

• If you notify the dispatch office more than 24 hours prior to the start of the call, then you shall not be subject to any penalty

• If you notify the dispatch office less than 24 hours but more than 4 hours prior to the start time of the call you will be considered a “Late Cancel”

• If you do not report to the job site as scheduled or notify the dispatch office less than 4 hours prior to the start of the call, you shall be considered a No Call No Show and will be subject to the appropriate penalties.

Compliance Committee

The President of Local 122 shall appoint a Compliance Committee. This Compliance Committee will be made of five (5) members in good standing of Local 122. Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum.

If you are charged with an offense in violation of these Work Rules, you shall be notified in writing at your last known home address and email address. This notification will list the date and nature of the offense and fine associated with it. You shall have fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of said notice to pay the fine or file a written appeal to the charge, addressed to the Local 122 Compliance Committee (compliancecommittee@iatse122.org). Failure to respond in the allotted time will result in the charge being automatically upheld against you.

Failure to pay the fine or file an appeal within the time allotted will result in automatic suspension from the referral system until such fine is paid in full. Local 122’s enforcement of this rule is to maintain the employer’s expectation of reliability, prevent those referents that do not follow these requirements from adversely affecting future employment opportunities, preserve the integrity of the rules applicable to all referents, and to relieve the burden of administrative costs for finding replacements.

Disciplinary Code

Major Offense:

• Conviction of a felony related to work.

• Physical assault against any referent, Union employee, client, attendee, job steward or employer representative while at work, or in connection with work. This includes fighting, except in cases of self-defense.

• Theft at work or in connection with work.

• Consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance at work or testing positive for the same in the work place.

• Falsifying any documentation given to the union, employer, committee or Job Steward.

Moderate Offenses:

• Harassment of any kind.

• Verbal assault against or threating harm to another referent, Union employee, client, attendee, job steward or employer while at work or in connection with work. This includes threatening or abusive language to employees at the Union office.

• Conduct or behavior damaging to Local 122’s relations with employers.

• Any conduct or behavior that disrupts or obstructs the referral system, job site, offices or Local 122’s ability to carry out its duties and obligations.

• No Call No Show.

• Unauthorized Departure

• Failure to notify the Local before performing non-union work that falls within the traditional scope and geographical jurisdiction of Local 122.

• Contacting any union or Employer official, representative or employee with the intent of soliciting work.

Minor offenses:

• Chronic Late Cancel as defined as two (2) times in six (6) consecutive months.

• Chronic Tardiness, as defined as two (2) times in six (6) consecutive months. Each additional tardiness within that time period will result in a minor offense.

• Job jumping without approval.

• Failure to respond to Compliance Committee by email, letter, phone or to appear before the committee upon request.

Commission of any of the above offenses may be penalized by, but not limited to the following:

For Major Offenses within a 12-month period:

First Offense – One (1) month suspension from the dispatch system

Second Offense – Three (3) month suspension from the dispatch system

Every Offense thereafter – Immediate Suspension until review

For Moderate offenses within a 6-month period:

First Offense –$50.00 fine

Second Offense –$100.00 fine

Every Offense thereafter – Immediate Suspension until Review

For Minor Offenses within a 6-month period:

First Offense – Letter to file

Second Offense –$25.00 fine

Every Offense thereafter –$50.00 fine

Any Major offense may result in immediate suspension from Dispatch. If immediate suspension occurs, the Compliance Committee will review within seven (7) business days of the reported incident. Any behavior that is deemed a discriminatory act involving race, creed, gender, sexuality, religion, age or any other protected class will constitute an immediate Suspension from dispatch until review. The Compliance Committee will review within seven (7) business days of the reported incident.

You will have up to fifteen (15) days to pay the fine or start the appeal process. Failure to pay the fine or file an appeal will result in automatic suspension from the dispatch system until the fine is paid. Local 122’s enforcement of this rule is to maintain the employer’s expectation of reliability, prevent those referents that do not follow these requirements from adversely affecting future employment opportunities, and to reimburse the burden of administrative costs for finding replacements.


You may appeal any penalty imposed by the Compliance Committee by making a written appeal to the Executive Board at Local 122’s office within fifteen (15) days of the date of notice of penalty. You must include any documents supporting your appeal. Appeals of penalties for being Late, No Call No Show or Late Cancel must be based on a verifiable emergency.

Your written appeal should indicate if you wish to appear in person before the Executive Board. The Executive Board may also request that you appear in person. If you have requested to appear in person, or if the Executive Board has requested that you appear, the Executive Board will hold a hearing on the appeal within forty-five (45) days of receipt of your appeal, except for extenuating circumstances. The Executive Board will notify you of the date, time and place of the appeal hearing. If you fail to appear at the hearing, your appeal shall be dismissed and the penalty upheld. Otherwise, the Executive Board shall hear your appeal and make a determination as to your guilt or innocence. The decision of the Executive Board shall be final and binding on all parties and no further appeal shall be available to you for the offense.

If your appeal is denied, you will have fifteen (15) days from the appeal denial notice to pay the fine in full. Failure to pay will result in suspension from the dispatch system until the fine is paid.


You may file a complaint concerning any alleged violation of the terms of these Compliance Committee and procedures to the Compliance Committee. Such complaints must be filed in writing and received at Local 122’s office within ten (10) days of the date of the alleged violation. The written complaint must clearly and specifically describe the subject matter including the sections of this agreement alleged to have been violated, all parties involved, witnesses and the remedy desired. The Compliance Committee shall hold a hearing within forty-five days (45) of receipt of the complaint, except for extenuating circumstances. If you fail to appear at the hearing, the committee shall have your complaint dismissed. The Compliance Committee shall make a determination as to the merits of the complaint and determine an appropriate remedy in cases where a remedy is warranted. The decision of the Compliance Committee shall be final and binding on all parties.

Updated & Approved on 11.6.2023