Minimum Basic Tool List
On person at all times (In order of most often used)
- 8″ crescent wrench
- multi- tool or
- Utility Knife (with extra blades)
- 4-in-1 screwdriver
- 6” pliers
- Black Sharpie
- 16oz Hammer
- Board (label) Tape – often provided by employer
- Allen Key Set
- A/C circuit tester – if on electrics crew.
- Small Flashlight
- Pen – pencil – Small note pad
Safety equipment
- Gloves
- Eye Protection (safety glasses)
- Hearing protection (earplugs)
In bag at all times
- Utility Knife (with extra blades)
- 4-in-1 screwdriver
- Jeweler’s Screwdrivers
Nice to Haves
- Standard Socket Set
- Cordless 20+ volt drill