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Learn the basics of managing and administering General Entertainment Safety through OSHA’s 30 Hour Outreach Program.OSHA-30 is a mandatory certificate for department heads and stewards while working on California State or San Diego County property beginning 01/01/2025. All department heads and stewards are urged to take this class. Reservations will be prioritized to Stewards and Department Heads.

This class is a 5 day class and you must attend all 5 days in order to complete the course.
The Class Dates and Times are:
Mon, DEC 16, 2024, 9:00 AMTue, DEC 17, 2024, 9:00 AMWed, DEC 18, 2024, 9:00 AMThu, DEC 19, 2024, 9:00 AMFri, Jun 20, 2024, 9:00 AM
Attendees must be present for all class days in order to be issued an OSHA-30 card.
This class has limited capacity and as such it will be treated like a job call regarding call out procedures, tardiness and no call no show.
The worker must have worked a call from the referral hall, worked under a collective bargaining agreement, or be a current member of IATSE Local 122.This is an in-person class offered in the Conference Room in the IATSE Local 122 Union Hall. Please take traffic into consideration to arrive on time.There will be two breaks each day. Bring your own lunch and snacks.

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