Video 10: Introduction to Video Crew Online

Join Stephan Hoyt and learn what you need to know to be a functioning member of the video crew which includes about basic video gear, basic power, crew composition and...

Video 30: Fundamental Video Concepts Online

Iatse 122 Union Hall 3737 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, California, United States

Join Kevin Hilgeman and learn the fundamental concepts that provide the framework for understanding a video image, signal flow, trouble shooting and break out room projection set up. Video 30...

Electrics 10

Join The Electrics department in an updated version of Ben Shaw's Electrics 1,2,3 . Learn about the Equipment, Tools and Skills needed to contribute to an Electrics Crew. Electrics 10...

Rigging Fundamentals

11/30-12/03/2020 9am - 1pm daily This 4 Session Virtual Learning course covers fundamental rigging practices drawing from OSHA code, ETCP outline established industry practices including the International Code of Rigging Practices Participants...

Video 10

Join Taylor Resenbeck and learn what you need to know to be a functioning member of the video crew which includes about basic video gear, basic power, crew composition and...