Rigging 20: Rigging Skills Lab

Iatse 122 Union Hall 3737 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, California, United States

Format Change: Volunteer hours begin at 11:00 with 4 students. We will build the truss arch and set up the ropes and steel for class. Volunteers will then participate in...

Convention Center Rigging Class

San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA, United States

Learn what is expected of you when you are dispatched at the convention center in the rigging department. This class will be held in Hall G and taught by rigging...

Convention Center Rigging Class

San Diego Convention Center 111 W Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA, United States

Learn what is expected of you when you are dispatched at the convention center in the rigging department. This class will be held in Hall G and taught by rigging...

The Balboa Theater 868 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA, United States

Inquire at Education@iatse122.org

Administration 10: Orientation

Iatse 122 Union Hall 3737 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, California, United States

Upon completion of this course the new referent will have been familiarized with the referral halls rules, requirements and procedures, as well as how to function effectively on a call....